Saturday 10 March 2018

POEM| Our Fortune for ill Luck Written by John Beloved

It was gladness made untamed when we left our spot for attention
Our garments soiled with danger as we try hard to hunt for fame

How crappy was our state at the point when our strength leads us astray?
We all are lost in the land of glitters while heading for the land of glory

Our fortune is an addict of ill luck and our fate took a walk around the village of the broken
And while we all are asleep
Paranoia knocks,
here comes the visiting stranger that might never leave

Oh yes! he never did
 but became our ruler and brought unto us more strangers for family and controllers of our lives.
Pareidolia smiles at us all, the gorgeous prostitute,we never could resist, we all became adulterers.

How sudden had it all happened, right before the thought of an eye twinkle
We were lost in this sorrowful land of glitters
 As slaves to king glamour
We married the lovely daughters of this land, pride.

As we abide by the rules to pretence
We fake our smiles outside the boundaries of our village
Working hard to feed our dear pride
For we never can dare to leave her jilted

 Our discussion with counsel, was a flashback,
In our thoughts we are lost in regret from the decisions we made action
Quite late for a return, for the gates from glitters has been sealed at our entry.

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